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Try AgainWe fully acknowledge that travel has become a commodity and is responsible for harmful side effects on our climate, local communities, wildlife and biodiversity. This must stop, no doubt!
But does it mean that we can no longer travel at all, because no form of travel—especially travel overseas that includes flying—can be sustainable by default?
We have asked ourselves this question, and we have come to the opposite conclusion: A certain new way of more meaningful and conscious travel is a necessity for global sustainability.
+ Intercultural understanding
+ Global awareness building
+ Personal growth & education
= Peace & Sustainability
Photo: Naboisho Camp, Kenya
Travel and tourism is a complex global industry that touches all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and as such also requires holistic solutions that consider the impact on all 17 SDGs on a global scale.
NOT: One SDG at the cost of others
Read MoreNOT: Outsourcing our responsibilities
Read MoreNOT: Cheap and easy offsets
Read MoreBy 2050, we want to live in a sustainable and peaceful world. You too? Great! So how do we get there? In addition to alignment of interests and holistic sustainability solutions, we believe [y]our vision requires new and more roles models for conscious leadership, co-creation, and human innovation.Â
Every day, we want to ask ourselves how we can be the solution and co-create such new role models, by living and working in integrity with our values.Â
NOT: unaware execution
NOT: control and domination
NOT: technology worship
Travelers often ask us: What can I do? Our answer might surprise you, because it may be different from what you are used to hearing, from what you might want to hear:
To co-create [y]our vision, invest into your personal growth and awareness building, demand science and independent verification of sustainability, and pay fair prices for the services you consume.
NOT: resist greenwashing
Critically challenge companies and non-profit organizations to demand scientific solutions and independent verification of sustainability claims when giving them your money. Resist the temptation to simply believe what others say and what you might want to hear. Always use your own judgement.
NOT: beware of volontourism
We believe the single best action each and every one of us can take for sustainability is to invest into our own personal growth and awareness building, so that we can unleash more of our own potential and contribute more by being and creating the solutions we need.
NOT: donations that cause dependencies
Give dignity and respect to local communities in your destination, so that they too can choose their own destinies, by paying fair prices for their work and resources when you consume their time, resources and services.
Full Alignment of Interests With Sustainability
Fair Voyage exists to co-create a peaceful and sustainable world through travel, that’s our mission. To us, sustainability is not only something we do following market pressure, but the reason why we exist.Â
Before any organization can credibly claim to be seriously working towards sustainability, we believe that we must resolve and pre-empt possible conflicts of interest and, first of all, ensure full alignment of interests with sustainability.
How Fair Voyage Ensures Full Alignment of Interests With Sustainability (click to read more):
In today's world, staying clear of conflicts of interest and ensuring full alignment of interests with sustainability is easier said than done. At Fair Voyage, we went the extra mile and have been working very hard to maintain our freedom to always act with integrity:
all to ensure that we have the freedom to stay clear of legal, financial, personal, business, or other conflicts of interest, and the flexibility to continuously (re)align our work with [y]our vision for the peaceful and sustainable world that we want to live in.
NOT: Profit before impact
Read MoreNOT: ESG Marketing
Read MoreNOT: Simplistic KPIs
Read More