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At Fair Voyage, we curate and only promote verified socially and environmentally responsible suppliers. This has always been core to our mission and founding story—to create a solution for more ethical Kilimanjaro climbs as independently verified by the Kilimanjaro Porters Assistance Project (KPAP).
As part of our Terms of Business, suppliers commit to become independently audited for sustainability by a Fair Voyage recognized certification body such as KPAP or those accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).
Travel and tourism touches all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations (UN)—from sustainable local economic development that empowers tourism workers and local communities, via conservation of nature and wildlife, through to climate action.
Any travel and tourism solution that only focuses on select goals risks creating negative side consequences for all other SDGs. At Fair Voyage, we believe that sustainability in travel and tourism requires a holistic and balanced solution consistent will all 17 SDGs.
The Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), initially formed as a coalition by UN agencies and prominent international conservation NGOs, has developed and manages a comprehensive set of global sustainability standards for travel and tourism. Learn how the GSTC Criteria align with all 17 SDGs.
The GSTC also accredits certification bodies for conducting independent audits consistent with the GSTC Criteria. This means that suppliers audited by a GSTC accredited certification body can reliably prove that they are operating consistent with all SDGs. Therefore, we believe that GSTC accredited certifications are the best and only way to verify the holistic implementation of sustainability on a global scale.
Fair Voyage is a member of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and engages actively with the GSTC.
For example, our Founder Alexandra Pastollnigg has been a:
Furthermore, two of our staff members responsible for sustainable sourcing have taking the GSTC Training course and obtained the GSTC Sustainable Tourism Certificate (see certificate).
We believe that independent sustainability audits are the only way to implement sustainability and make the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality by 2030.
Imagine you are an investor who wants to invest sustainably, a consumer who wants to buy sustainable products, a traveller who wants to travel sustainably, or a business manager who wants to source sustainable products. As humans who want to make sustainable decisions, how can we do so without a reliable guide?
Our world is ruled by a financial system. To make this system work, we have financial audits. Any sizeable company, and as a minimum any company that wants to become listed on a public stock exchange, needs an independent financial audit. Sometimes, investors or tax authorities also meet senior decision makers or financial managers of companies to obtain additional insights. However, no credible investor or tax authority would regard a personal meeting or site visit as replacement for the requirement to also have independent financial audits.
Now we are facing an unprecedented sustainability crisis and we need to act quickly to implement sustainability on a global scale, but our world is still ruled by an outdated financial system. Most companies only have one ultimate goal – to increase shareholder value by increasing profits. Inherent conflicts of interest caused by our legacy financial system is making it near impossible for senior decision makers in companies to move towards sustainability at the sacrifice of profitability, even if they want to. If they do, they violate their own mandates and employment agreements.
Forced with increasing societal and consumer pressure, however, companies need to act to appease the public. The most rational decision any corporate leader could make: Use a small amount of budget to create a sustainability initiative and create a big marketing message about your sustainability efforts. As long as the public is happy and you are no worse than your competitors, your shareholders will be happy.
Rather than having a positive impact for society, the resulting proliferation of sustainability communications creates even more confusion amongst the public and dangerous believes that "someone else" is fixing our broken system. Amongst all those marketing messages, it is almost impossible for investors, consumers or travellers to distinguish between legitimate sustainability efforts and greenwashing.
We at Fair Voyage therefore strongly believe that independent sustainability audits are the only way to prevent greenwashing and truly implement sustainability on a global scale. It seems implausible to get rid of financial audits if we want to maintain a financially sound system. Likewise, we need independent sustainability audits to move from a purely financially driven and unsustainable system to a sustainable system.
All our suppliers must hold a valid certification by a Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) accredited certification body ("Certified"), or commit to follow our process to become Certified within a defined timeline ("Sustainability Verification Process").
When screening for new suppliers in a specific destination or receiving applications to use our platform, we give priority to Certified Operators. Approval and access can usually be granted within few days to Certified Operators, and we will generally also grant access to Operators who are already in the process to become Certified (e.g. Travelife Partner companies).
When we meet a new supplier and have reasons to believe that such supplier is committed to sustainability (e.g. upon reliable third party referral), even though such Operator may not yet be Certified, we may approve such supplier as Operator subject to following our Sustainability Verification Process.
We generally do not approve unsolicited applications from suppliers who are not yet Certified nor have independent proof that they are in the process of becoming Certified. However, we may introduce such suppliers to the Travelife system so that they can initiate their Travelife sustainability process and re-apply to use our platform as Operator upon reaching Travelife Partner status.
To offer an inclusive sustainability solution that enables access for small local suppliers and operators based in countries without locally implemented sustainability standards, we partner with Travelife for Tour Operators & Travel Agencies. Travelife is a GSTC recognized certification body for tour operators and offers a comprehensive online sustainability audit and training system.
Through our collaboration with Travelife, Fair Voyage is able to offer curated suppliers access to the Travelife system free of charge, so that our partners can easily prepare for the first level in their sustainability audit. Once approved as Fair Voyage Partner, all suppliers must – as minimum requirement – follow our Sustainability Verification Process.
Travelife is a Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) accredited certification body for Tour Operators and offers a comprehensive online sustainability audit and training system developed specifically for tour operators and travel agencies.
The Travelife system is available to tour operators globally, including countries that do not yet have locally implemented sustainability standards. Through a phased approach, tour operators have the opportunity to work towards sustainability certification over time.
Through our partnership with Travelife, we can offer local tour operators access to the Travelife sustainability management system free of charge, so that operators can easily start their Sustainability Verification Process. Operators only pay a cost covering fee to Travelife once they are ready to request audit by a Travelife representative. Furthermore, we have defined our Sustainability Verification Process (when Operators need to become audited) in a way that Operators can easily fund their certification fees based on revenues generated through the Fair Voyage platform.
Together with Travelife, we are excited to offer an inclusive sustainability platform solution to help socially and environmentally responsible local tour operators from around the world access global markets.
As part of our Terms of Business, Operators who wish to use the Fair Voyage platform and are not yet Certified commit to follow our Sustainability Verification Process:
Please refer to our Sustainability Verification Process for details on our staged approach. Assuming you follow the Travelife system:
Sustainability is a highly debated, confusing and controversial topic. There are lots of different philosophies and often contrarian views on how to best implement sustainability. Let us try answer some critical questions that you might have:
No, we don't think so. Greenwashing means conveying a false impression or providing misleading information about how a company's products or actions are sustainable and environmentally sound.
We provide full transparency about our sourcing criteria and Sustainability Verification Process. For each Tour promoted on Fair Voyage, we make fully transparent the sustainability level reached by the respective Tour Operator (as per our sourcing criteria) as well as for accommodations included in the specific itinerary.
We acknowledge that promoting verified sustainable Tour Operators doesn't automatically mean that each and every itinerary is fully sustainable. We also acknowledge that there is a risk of corruption in the conduct of sustainability audits.
The current system isn't perfect; it is a starting point to work towards ever more integrated monitoring and control of the entire supply chain as well as increasingly tighter sustainability checks across elements of individual elements over time.
To achieve a comprehensive global system of sustainability checks and audits, we need efficiency created by scale and collaborations. We believe that the Fair Voyage platform in close partnership with the Travelife sustainability audit system and other global and local partners integrating within a shared eco-system is an ideal starting point to achieve such a global system over the coming years.
Corruption is definitely a challenge globally, and even more so in many lower income countries that we focus on. We cannot 100% avoid corruption in the conduct of financial audits. Likewise, we cannot 100% avoid corruption in the conduct of sustainability audits. However, that doesn't mean that we should not make an effort to conduct independent audits in the first place. Assume your pension fund manager decided to invest in companies without independently audited financial accounts, because of the unavoidable risk of corruption. Not acceptable! The same applies to sustainability.
The Travelife system goes a long way in mitigating and minimizing the risk of corruption. Companies are required to upload detailed sustainability documentation, which is being checked remotely by Travelife trained global sustainability auditor. It is unlikely that a company not interested in sustainability makes the effort to go through such a comprehensive process and creates fake documentation. Furthermore, the on-site audits for certification are conducted by a different auditor every two years, which helps spot significant mis-behavior.
Once again, we acknowledge that the system isn't perfect and corruption is a risk. Over the years, there will be room for improvement to implement ever tighter processes and verifications to further mitigate the risk of corruption. The sooner we start implementing sustainability audits on a global scale, the quicker we can realize efficiency improvements and work towards an ever more reliable global system. However, to get there, we need to start somewhere, even if the status quo isn't perfect.
We believe that global and local standards are not mutually exclusive, but need to integrate and collaborate to create more clarity and strengthen sustainability throughout the supply chain. To achieve an inclusive and locally driven solution, global standards can be adopted locally, dual recognitions can provide for the effective co-existence of local schemes, and pricing can be managed in a way that certifications are accessible also to small local businesses:
Clarity: Currently, one of the biggest challenges in making sustainable travel mainstream is confusion amongst consumers and trade buyers, caused by too many labels and standards. As a decision maker, it is difficult to understand the differences between labels and filter merit-based schemes from amongst myriads of purely membership and donation-based organizations. To make this easier, we need more clarity; and to create clarity, we believe it is important to collaborate globally and focus marketing resources on creating awareness and global recognition for one shared label.
Supply chain: Travel is a complex inter-connected industry. Many businesses and organizations are involved in organizing a single trip: international travel agencies, local tour operators or destination management companies, accommodation providers, transportation providers, activity organizers and local attractions, restaurants and a myriad of other small local businesses and services providers. To monitor sustainability of the entire supply chain on a global level, we need to work towards a shared inter-connected system.
Local adaptation: Using global standards isn't equal to imposing Western standards on local cultures. For example, Travelife is currently partnering with tourism stakeholders in Kenya to roll out the Travelife certification for local tour operators. In doing so, the standards are being adopted together with stakeholders in Kenya to suit local requirements.
Dual recognition: To manage local adaption and implementation, we believe that global certification bodies need to enter into partnerships with credible local organizations. Through dual recognition with a global standard, the local organization can use its local brand to enlist the local industry, whilst also providing its local members the global marketing benefits of the brand of its global certification partner.
Pricing: Global certifications are not necessarily more expensive than local schemes. Through our partnership with Travelife, we are excited to offer an inclusive solution and provide an affordable Sustainability Verification Process to our Operator partners. See how little it costs.
Are you wondering: Can overseas travel be sustainable at all? Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by flying contribute to global warning. Climate Action is the most urgent of all Sustainable Development Goals—we agree! We also agree that the tourism industry is a major contributor to climate change, and that much of tourism—as practiced nowadays—might be causing more harm than good.
Unfortunately, the same applies to almost all industries, because we do not pay the real costs for the products and services that we consume. There is no doubt—we all need to consume less and more consciously, and we need to start paying fair prices for our consumption!
In travel, this means that we need to travel less and more consciously. For example, instead of going on frequent weekend trips to crowded cities, take a long vacation once a year to travel slowly and explore less visited destinations. It also means that we need to pay more to compensate for the effects of GHG emissions and choose more environmentally friendly options, amongst others.
However, this doesn't mean that we need to stop traveling altogether. To the contrary, we live in a complex global system with lots of inter-dependencies. Taking extreme action towards one goal is likely to come with a lot of negative side consequences that eventually will come to harm that very same goal.
We at Fair Voyage believe travel is not only the problem, but that sustainable travel will be part of the solution to mitigate climate change and other urgent problems—by giving local populations a sustainable income source that will help them and us protect and restore a biodiverse nature; and by fostering the intercultural understanding and global consciousness that we need to co-create [y]our vision for a peaceful and sustainable world.
Imagine a local community living in the rainforest. To make a living, they have the option cut down the forest to make use of the land and wood for food production, construction and firewood for heating. Or they might sell their land to agricultural, forestry or mining companies who again will destroy the forest and its biodiversity. All of these outcomes have negative effects for our climate.
Now imagine we can provide an alternative income source for the communities, a source of income that encourages them to protect and restore the forest and biodiversity. What could that be? Sustainable tourism! Imagine communities can make a living from accommodating travelers, guiding us through their biodiverse habitat and helping us experience their traditional ways of living. That way, we can preserve nature, foster mutual understanding, lift communities out of poverty—and experience a truly enjoyable and sustainable vacation.
To summarize, sustainable travel can be a force for good:
We have already conducted research on the impact of flying and to identify the best GHG offset solutions as part of our climate action plan.
More research is needed on each of the above points, to create more holistic solutions. Would you like to collaborate with us for a research project, share relevant research results or create meaningful solutions? Please email partner@fairvoyage.com.
To stay update when we share new research results, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn.
We fully acknowledge that travel has become a commodity and is responsible for harmful side effects on our climate, local communities, wildlife and biodiversity. This must stop, no doubt!
But does it mean that we can no longer travel at all, because no form of travel—especially travel overseas that includes flying—can be sustainable by default? We have asked ourselves this question, whether we should stop promoting travel and selling trips altogether.
Peace, global consciousness and personal growth are fundamental to solving for global sustainability. We believe travel was always meant to the industry of peace, is unique in its power to foster global consciousness, and provides some of the best possible quality education for individuals to develop more globally conscious leadership skills—arguably the most important skill that we need so urgently to solve for sustainability.
We must always remember that sustainability is a complex global system, that requires holistic solutions. Amongst the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations, peace (SDG 16) and quality education (SDG 4) are just as important goals as climate action; and we believe rightly so—they are a necessary precondition for environmental sustainability.
Therefore, even though our work isn’t yet perfect and we acknowledge that we still have a long way to go to make travel more fair and environmentally sustainable, we have come to the conclusion—no, conviction!—that a certain new way of more meaningful and conscious travel is a necessity for global sustainability.
We are receiving a large number of requests by local suppliers committed to sustainability who would like to partner with us. To ensure our high standards of quality and services for our travelers, we are only adding new destinations and partners upon invitation and thorough validation.
Suppliers already certified by Travelife or a GSTC accredited body are invited to create a partner account and submit registration details so that we can initiate our validation process.
We aim to collaborate and engage in open dialogue to design, implement and create a role model for the best possible solution for sustainable tourism when traveling overseas. If you have more questions or suggestions, we would love to hear from you!
Please note that any amounts paid are subject to our Terms & Conditions, including our Cancellations & Refunds and Change Policy. If you would like to make changes to your Tour after your first payment, we will need to charge an administrative Change Fee of US$100 to help us process each change. To protect your investment if you can no longer participate in this Tour, you must ensure to be covered by adequate travel cancellation insurance immediately after making your payment. Please confirm: