Why conscious travel is a necessity for sustainability | Fair Voyage


Why conscious travel is a necessity for sustainability

We fully acknowledge that travel has become a commodity and is responsible for harmful side effects on our climate, local communities, wildlife and biodiversity. This must stop, no doubt!

But does it mean that we can no longer travel at all, because no form of travel—especially travel overseas that includes flying—can be sustainable by default? We have asked ourselves this question, whether we should stop promoting travel and selling trips altogether.

  • What would this mean for our global consciousness?
  • Will it increase or decrease our intercultural understanding and connectedness as one global humanity?
  • Will it increase or decrease the power of the media to control our minds, as opposed to experiencing reality ourselves and forming our own educated opinions?
  • Will it increase or decrease racial prejudice and wars?
  • Will it help solve our sustainability crisis?

Peace, global consciousness and personal growth are fundamental to solving for global sustainability. We believe travel was always meant to the industry of peace, is unique in its power to foster global consciousness, and provides some of the best possible quality education for individuals to develop more globally conscious leadership skills—arguably the most important skill that we need so urgently to solve for sustainability.

We must always remember that sustainability is a complex global system, that requires holistic solutions. Amongst the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations, peace (SDG 16) and quality education (SDG 4) are just as important goals as climate action; and we believe rightly so—they are a necessary precondition for environmental sustainability.

Therefore, even though our work isn’t yet perfect and we acknowledge that we still have a long way to go to make travel more fair and environmentally sustainable, we have come to the conclusion—no, conviction!—that a certain new way of more meaningful and conscious travel is a necessity for global sustainability.