What will I eat on Mount Kilimanjaro? | Fair Voyage


What will I eat on Mount Kilimanjaro?

Generally speaking, the food that is provided on Kilimanjaro will roughly be the same for all tour operators on all routes.

Depending on the tour operator, they will cater to vegetarians and vegans, and they will also take any dietary restrictions into account. Inquire with your tour operator to find out what the possibilities are.

The food options listed below are meant to give a general overview. As a consequence, they might slightly vary from day-to-day and from tour operator to tour operator.

Breakfast typically includes toast, French toast, pancakes, eggs and meat like sausage or bacon. Hot or cold cereals can be offered in addition to fruits like oranges, mangos or bananas. It’s also possible that cooked vegetables are served.

Lunch can either be packed or served hot if you take a longer lunch break. A packed lunch typically includes sandwiches with cold meat, tuna, chicken or grilled cheese. The same fruits like breakfast could be offered again. It is also possible that eggs and French fries or chips will be available too.

A hot lunch will be similar to the dinner menu.

Your afternoon snack will consist of an array of popcorn, biscuits, nuts and a hot tea or coffee.

Dinner options include soup, pasta, rice, a variety of prepared vegetables (e.g in a stew, a curry, boiled or steamed) as well as a variety of meat like beef or chicken (that can be roasted or in a stew or curry). Usually, potatoes will be offered alongside meat and vegetables. It’s also possible that you will get to taste the local dish Ugali which is a porridge made from corn meal. Dessert will consist of fruits like oranges, watermelons, apples, pineapples, mangos or bananas.