What is the currency in Namibia? | Fair Voyage


What is the currency in Namibia?

The currency used in Namibia is The Namibian Dollar (NAD or N$). It is linked permanently (with a ratio of 1:1) to the South African Rand (ZAR), and South African Rand notes and coins are also legal tender in Namibia. Its not always easy to obtain N$ before you arrive here but you should be able to get South African Rand easily.
Exchange rates vary so please check for up to date information on the current rate.
To give you an idea of the affordability of the things you might want or need in Namibia, items typically cost as follows… in no particular order, we promise!
– Local beer: Namibia produces some fantastic beer and a bottle will cost you about NAD 15 – NAD 20.00 per beer (340ml)
– Wine: Namibia imports quite a good selection of wines from South Africa and a very drinkable bottle (750ml) will cost around NAD 60 – NAD 150.00
– Soft Drinks: A 500ml bottle of mineral water or branded, fizzy drink (Coca Cola, Pepsi, Fanta) is about NAD 10.00 per drink
– Restaurants: Prices will range according to the type of restaurant you visit, but most starters (entrees) range from about NAD 30 – NAD 70.00. Main courses will be around NAD 90 – NAD 150.00 per dish and desserts will be in the region of NAD 30 – NAD 70.00
– Sunscreen: Namibian sun can be quite harsh at times, so we recommend a good sunscreen, which will cost about NAD 150 -NAD 200.00. It’s a small price to pay for eternal beauty!
– Gas/Petrol: Of course, prices fluctuate but as of 2016, fuel will cost around NAD 12.50 per litre