What exactly are the Sands at Chale Island doing to qualify as responsible? | Fair Voyage


What exactly are the Sands at Chale Island doing to qualify as responsible?

The Sands has long strived to make a positive difference to both our immediate and wider environments. These are few examples:

– Every effort has been made to keep the natural vegetation of the Island intact.

– All gardens and imported plants are carefully integrated into the Island’s original flora with an aim at increasing the indigenous wildlife.

– Locally, HIV prevalence stands at 3.8% as per the 2018 HIV Estimate report, released in December 2018 by the National Aids Control Council (NACC), while stigma and discrimination against people living with and affected by it remains high, at 48% according to the national HIV and Aids summary report from the NACC. We therefore invited a representative from the Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and Aids (KELIN), Esther Nelima, to give a special sensitisation training workshops to support and empower our staff. All staff were given the opportunity to attend training which covered awareness on sexual health, STIs and HIV/Aids; signs, symptoms and methods of prevention; the importance of testing, early diagnoses and treatment as well as adherence and disclosure; and legal protection for people living with HIV and Aids through the HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act (HAPCA).

You can read more about the Sands eco-friendly and responsible initiatives on the green Sands Blog.