A Year On—Our Key Learnings That We Would Like to Share With You | Fair Voyage


A Year On—Our Key Learnings That We Would Like to Share With You

Our Founder Alexandra Pastollnigg recently caught up with Syazwani Baumgartner, Founder of Sejelas, on a conversation they had over a year ago as part of their Founder-CEO Interview series.

As she pondered four questions asked “A Year On”, she got some insightful answers for herself and our team here at Fair Voyage that we’d also like to share with you in this article:



1. What is the one thing you’d like to celebrate in the past year?

That we’ve persevered through struggle to protect our values and fair travel mission, redesigned our entire business to stay aligned with our ultimate vision for a peaceful and sustainable world, and the beauty that emerges towards the joyful end of transformation.

2. What is the next milestone you are currently looking to achieve?

My goal is to create a real life case study of a profitable social enterprise that creates a holistic positive impact for humanity and nature whilst enabling a joyful fulfilled life in freedom—and that includes fair compensation—for the people supporting its mission. Our big next milestone is profitability to prove that our model works and that we can sustainably self-fund our mission.

3. What was the biggest challenge you faced in the past year?

Continued extreme volatility and uncertainty throughout the year. When travel bans and restrictions get imposed without warning literally overnight, we can no longer rely on anything that we’ve known to be true.

4. What is the one or two learnings you would like to share and why?

We must prioritise our mental and physical health. As leaders, we are of no use if we self-sacrifice and get sick. It is our responsibility to protect our personal health, and to help our teams with their good health—including mental health, which is becoming ever more important as volatility and uncertainty keeps increasing, so that we can stay resilient and positive. Stress and health are negatively correlated. Less is more.

What is key learning from the past year?

What are your key learnings from the past year? We’d love to hear from you!

Head over to this post on LinkedIn and share your learnings with our community.

About the author

Alex is our Founder, Visionary and Strategist. She writes about ethical & sustainable travel and conscious leadership. As Kilimanjaro expert, Alex is also personally in charge of all our Kilimanjaro content.